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The need for warehouse space

The rise in online shopping

Whilst there has always been a need for land for new warehouse space, the rise of online shopping  in the last 15 years has only exacerbated this.

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Wealden's Warehouse space

In Wealden, there is a significant reliance on small, poor quality converted-farm buildings in poorly accessibly locations for logistics space.


Occupiers want and need large buildings but there are only 5 warehouse buildings in Wealden providing more than 5,000 sq. m. (55,000 sq. ft.) of space.


There is also a very limited supply of new warehouse space in Wealden.



Who will take space in the new buildings?

Discussions are ongoing about the future occupier(s) of the buildings. Formula Land’s studies have found a large number of specific operators seeking large units (over 50,000 sq ft) in Wealden and we are confident that the buildings will prove easy to let once complete.

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