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Assessing and Mitigating Impacts


Due to the large size of some of the buildings proposed, some of the existing trees and hedges will need to be removed. To mitigate this, new trees will be planted. 


There are 12 ponds on and around the site, so initial assessments have been carried out. 

Detailed assessments will be carried out in due course. 

Visual Impact

We recognise the importance of protecting views from and towards the High Weald AONB/ South Downs National Park. We will be preparing a Visual Impact assessment.


To the south-east of site is Sayerlands House (Grade II listed).


The proposals will alter the setting of the listed building. However, the impact has been minimised through the orientation of buildings, retention of land to the south as open space, additional landscaping and a significant buffer between the site and Sayerlands House.


To manage the risk of surface water flooding, we wil install a network of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). There will be sufficient capacity to accommodate a severe storm with allowances for future climate change. The SuDS will be designed with landscape and ecological mitigation and enhancement in mind.


A flood risk assessment will be prepared.

We want to bring a high-quality logistics hub to land north of Polegate.


• Five warehouses, ranging from 45,000 sq ft to 357,000 sq ft

• Once operationally, c.1,300 new jobs.

• Heights of buildings max 15m

• Network of SuDS (drainage ponds) will support ecology.

• Primary vehicular access via A22

• Pedestrian and cycle links to/from Public Rights of Way and footway network.


The materials we displayed at our public consultation event are available here.

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